- 06 October 2020
Manuel has been the invited open discussion moderator at the Women in MICCAI event on Wed 6th October, part of the MICCAI 2020 virtual conference. A fascinating, honest and instructive discussion organized by Islem Rekik, Pallavi Tiwari and the WiM board. Panelists: Lisa Avila, Veronika Cheplygina, Julia Schnabel.
- 18 September 2020
Professor Emanuele Trucco elected the Distinguished Fellow of the British Machine Vision Association 2020
- 21 July 2020, Congratulations to Carlotta and Silvia!
Congratulations to Carlotta and Silvia who attained their master's degree in Bioengineering at the University of Padova after being part of the VAMPIRE research group for several months during their ERASMUS experience!
- 15-17 July 2020, MIUA2020 Conference
"Retinal Biomarkers Discovery for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in an Older Population" by L. Ballerini et al. [pdf]
"A Deep Learning Approach for Semantic Segmentation of Gonioscopic Images to Support Glaucoma Categorization" by A. Peroni et al. [pdf]
- 27 April 2020, Congratulations to Dr. Emma Pead!
Congratulations to Emma Pead who successfully passed her PhD viva!
External examiner: Dr Yalin Zheng from Liverpool.
- IDCOM Seminar Series, 10 March 2020, 12.00 - 13.00
Prof. Emanuele Trucco will be holding a speech entitled: "The VAMPIRE program: what can the retina tell about our health, and how can we find it?"
Details Here
Seminar Room, AGB, Kings Buildings, EH93JL, Edinburgh.
Save the date!
Tom MacGillivray and Manuel Trucco are co-editors, with Dr Frank Xu (Baidu and Chinese Academy of Sciences), of the new book “Computational Retinal Image Analysis” just published by Elsevier in the MICCAI/Elsevier Book Series. The book collects contributions from international leading groups in ophthalmology, data governance, computer science, artificial intelligence, medical image analysis and clinical statistics. It has been a long journey, but the result is good! Computational Retinal Image Analysis
- 22 November 2019
VAMPIRE hosted a visit by Prof Amos Storkey, director of the BayesWatch Centre in Informatics, the University of Edinburgh, on Friday 22nd of November. Amos gave a talk proposing a very realistic and intriguing view of the potential and challenges of deep learning.
- VAMPIRE team, plenary meeting, 21 February 2019
From left: Stefano Gennari, Mohammad Syed, Stephen Hogg, Muthu Mookiah, Andrea Peroni, Manuel Trucco, Jyothsna Divyananda, Sabrina Mattera, Andrew McNeil, Lucia Ballerini, Tom MacGillivray, Ana Villaplana Velasco, Miguel Bernabeu, Ylenia Giarratano.
- 11 September 2018:
MRK Mookiah and VAMPIRE team is presenting recent work on the variability of retinal images at MICCAI OMIA on Sunday, 16th Sep 2018.[pdf]
- 11 September 2018:
VAMPIRE is co-organizing the OMIA workshop at MICCAI 2018 in Granada, twinned with the REFUGE international challenge.
- 11 September 2018:
INSPIRED is a collaboration between the University of Dundee and the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation. The partnership is focused on using this extensive infrastructure to deliver precision medicine to improve outcomes in patients with diabetes in India and the UK.
- 4 April 2018:
VAMPIRE organises Royal Society Meeting. Prof. Manuel Trucco is chairing a Science+ meeting at the Royal Society in London, 23-24 April, on "the transformative potential of image and data analysis for eye care". Registration free! Program available here.
- VAMPIRE in £7M NIHR project:
VAMPIRE is committed to deliver measurements for up to 20,000 retinal images with an India-Scotland project on personalised medicine for diabetes, in collaboration with Dr. Mohan's Specialist Diabetes Clinics and the Madras Diabetes Research Centre. PI: Prof. C. Palmer, Ninewells Hospital. Part of the NIHR Global Health funding programme.
- The Dundee-Edinburgh VAMPIRE team is delighted to announce new collaborations, with Duke University (Dr. Sharon Fekrat) and NIDEK Technologies, Italy.
- 10 October 2017: Congratulations to Dr. Enrico Pellegrini on getting the paper on his PhD work accepted in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging!
- 4 October 2017: Congratulations to our team working in partnership with Optos on their IOVS publication: Assessing retinal vascular biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease using ultra-wide imaging (UWFI)!
- 2 October 2017: Article on OMIA/RETOUCH, MICCAI satellite event co-organised by VAMPIRE's Prof. Manuel Trucco was published on Computer Vision News! .
- Dr. L. Ballerini giving a poster presentation at MIUA 2017, interesting work on the analysis of cross-linked retina-brain data.
- Thanks Dr. I. Rekik for introducing VAMPIRE in MIUA 2017 SINAPSE workshop!
- Did you meet the VAMPIRE team at this year's MIUA 2017? Software demo by Dr. L. Ballerini and Dr. A. Fetit.
- 10 July 2017: Congratulations to our team working on the EPSRC Eye-Brain-Dementia project for having their submission accepted at this year's OMIA Workshop, a MICCAI satellite event.
- "What does the eye tell us about our health?" Scientific evening at the Italian Cultural Institute, Edinburgh, Nov 1st 6:30pm
- VAMPIRE at MICCAI 2016: 1 organized workshop, 1 keynote, 1 talk and 2 posters!
- Congratulations to Gavin Robertson who has succesfully defended his PhD thesis!
- 3 August 2016: Paper "Automatic Generation of Synthetic Retinal Fundus Images: Vascular Network" accepted at SASHIMI 2016
- 7 July 2016: Paper "Automatic Generation of Synthetic Retinal Fundus Images: Vascular Network" presented at MIUA2016
- 17 June 2016: The poster "Multi-modal retinal scanning for diagnostic and therapeutic biomarker discovery in multiple sclerosis" won the Best Poster Award at SINAPSE ASM
- Congratulations to Devanjali Relan who has succesfully defended her PhD thesis!
- VAMPIRE team and guests, plenary meeting, 31 May 2016
From left: Tom MacGillivray, Tom Pearson, Enrico Pellegrini, Sarah McGrory, Lucia Ballerini, Georgios Papanastasiou, Victor Gonzales-Castro, Roy Wang, Siyamalan Manivannan, Valerio Giuffrida, Stephen Hogg, Sotirios Tsaftaris. Off the table: Giulio Degano, Alessia Antelmi. Behind the camera: Manuel Trucco.
- "The VAMPIRE project: what the eye tells you about your health"
Scientific evening at the Italian Cultural Institute, Edinburgh, May 31st 6pm
- 5th May 2016: Opening reception of the Edinburgh Imaging exhibition at the Italian Cultural Institute
- New journal paper:
J. R. Cameron, L. Ballerini, et al., "Modulation of retinal image vasculature analysis to extend utility and provide secondary value from optical coherence tomography imaging", Journal of Medical Imaging, Apr-Jun 2016.
- VAMPIRE new paper:
S. Manivannan et al., "Sub-Category Classifiers for Multi-Instance Learning and its application to Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Visibility Classification" has been accepted at MICCAI 2016
- 3 VAMPIRE abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation at SINAPSE ASM
- May'16:"Modulation of VAMPIRE retinal vasculature analysis software to extend utility and provide secondary value from optical coherence tomography imaging" by J. Cameron presented at ARVO2016
- May'16:"Ultra-Widefield Ophthalmic Imaging for Biomarker Discovery in Hypertension" by G. Robertson presented at ARVO2016
- VAMPIRE new paper
"Automatic Generation of Synthetic Retinal Fundus Images: Vascular Network"
has been accepted for oral presentation at MIUA 2016
- 5th May to 10th June 2016: Edinburgh Imaging exhibition at the Italian Cultural Institute
- New journal paper: R. Annunziata, E. Trucco et al., "A Fully Automated Tortuosity Quantification System with Application to Corneal Nerve Fibres in Confocal Microscopy Image", Medical Image Analysis, Apr 2016.
- Tom MacGillivray Inoovation biotecnology
Eye Spy: Advances in Neuroimaging the Eye
- Mar'16: 2 POSTDOC AND GRADUATE VAMPIRE JOBS: VAMPIRE has two 12-month positions open immediately in Dundee, within a collaborative project with the Queen's University Belfast. The posts must be filled asap. Please email Prof Emanuele Trucco ( for initial contacts.
- mar'16: 3 VAMPIRE PhD STUDENTSHIPS: VAMPIRE has 3 calls for PhD applicants open in Edinburgh. Please contact Dr Tom MacGillivray ( for initial contacts.
- New journal paper: R. Annunziata, E. Trucco et al., "Two-Dimensional Plane for Multi-Scale Quantification of Corneal Subbasal Nerve Tortuosity", Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2016.
- Feb'16:"Ultra-Widefield Ophthalmic Imaging for Biomarker Discovery in Hypertension" by G. Robertson accepted at ARVO2016
- Feb'16: Research from VAMPIRE project is featured in EUROTIMES
- Enrico Pellegrini invited talk "Classifying retinal vessels in fundus camera and Optomap images in VAMPIRE" at Oximetry Workshop 2016
- Research from VAMPIRE project is featured in IEEE Pulse magazine
- Congratulations from everybody in VAMPIRE to our distinguished collaborator, Prof Joanna Wardlaw, director of the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, Univ of Edinburgh, who has been awarded a CBE
- Adria Perez Rovira's colourful visualization of the displacement field between frames of an OPTOS fluorescein angiogram examination has made it to image of the month in the SINAPSE newsletter, Jan 2016
- Congratulations to VAMPIRE collaborator, Dr James Cameron, who has won the International Year of Light
video competition organized by the Institute of Physics.
- Congratulations to Enrico Pellegrini who has succesfully defended his PhD thesis!
- Manuel Trucco gave an invited talk at ICATTG2015 (see photos of talk and session)
- "Scale and Curvature Invariant Ridge Detector for Tortuous and Fragmented Structures" by R. Annunziata published in Proc. MICCAI'15
- "Boosting Hand-Crafted Features for Curvilinear Structure Segmentation by Learning Context Filters" by R. Annunziata published in Proc. MICCAI'15
- Lucia Ballerini talk "Do VAMPIREs exist only in horror movies?" at ARUK
- Manuel Trucco gave an invited talk "The VAMPIRE project: Retinal biomarkers through efficient automatic measurements" at EURETINA2015
- Tom MacGillivray in an interview on BBC World (radio): VAMPIRE has been the first research ever group to analyze UK Biobank eye images with a computer program.
- Congratulations to Roberto Annunziata, who won a MICCAI travel bursary!
- New VAMPIRE paper by R. Annunziata, E. Trucco accepted at EMBC2015
- Roberto Annunziata "Towards Robust and Efficient Automated Curvilinear Structure Detection in Medical Images" won the Best Paper Award for Outstanding Doctoral Student at the 2015 PhD symposium
- 2 VAMPIRE papers by R. Annunziata, E. Trucco accepted at MICCAI'15
- MICCAI OMIA-2 workshop submission deadline 8th June
- VAMPIRE is co-organizing the 2nd Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis workshop (MW-OMIA) at MICCAI'15
- Congratulations to Alessandro Cavinato, 2012 VAMPIRE student project from the Univ of Padova, who is going to work in Stanford on biomedical data visualization.
- Funded EPSRC project on retinal biomarkers for dementia got fantastic coverage on Newspapers and online: BBC News online, Guardian, Times, Daily Mail, Daily Record, Courier, Scotsman, Herald Scotland, Evening Telegraph, STV News, Times of India, OnMedica, Delhi Daily News, E Canada Now, Irish Independent, Engineering & Technology magazine, Nursing Times, Huffington Post, ITV News; The Star; Times Higher Education; TVs: BCC Reporting Scotland STV News ; and Radios: Wave 102, Kingdom FM, BBC Western Midlands, BBC Gloucestershire, BBC Heretfordshire, BBC 5Live, BBC Radio Scotland Drivetime
- S. Fiorini, M. De Biasi, L. Ballerini, E. Trucco, A. Ruggeri, "Automatic Generation of Synthetic Retinal Fundus Images" presented at STAG2014 [pdf]
- "Tortuosity Classification of Corneal Nerves Images Using a Multiple-Scale-Multiple-Window Approach" by R. Annunziata et al. accepted at MICCAI 2014
- S. Fiorini, L. Ballerini, E. Trucco, A. Ruggeri, "Automatic Generation of Synthetic Retinal Fundus Images" available on MIUA 2014 proceedings
- The poster "Automatic Generation of Synthetic Retinal Fundus Images" won the Best Poster Award at SINAPSE ASM
- The poster "VAMPIRE: Vasculature Assessment and Measurement Platform for Images of the REtina" won the Closest to Market poster award at SINAPSE ASM
- "An Experimental Assessment of Five Indices of Retinal Vessel Tortuosity with the RET-TORT Public Dataset" by A. Lisowska et al. accepted at EMBC'14
- "Automatic Retinal Vessel Classification using a Least Square - Support Vector Machine in VAMPIRE" by D. Relan et al. accepted at EMBC'14
- "Unsupervised Recognition of Retinal Vascular Junction Points" by H. Hamad (VAMPIRE visitor) et al. accepted at EMBC'14
- Aneta Lisowska, final-year VAMPIRE project student in Dundee, has been offered a competitive summer placement in Toshiba, Edinburgh.
- New paper "Automatic Generation of Synthetic Retinal Fundus Images" by S. Fiorini et al. has been accepted for oral presentation at MIUA 2014
- VAMPIRE image by Gavin Robertson is cover of the British Journal of Radiology and it has also been chosen as Twitter image of the BJR Journal
- Prof Manuel Trucco from the University of Dundee and collaborator Prof Alfredo Ruggeri from the University of Padova will chair the first symposium on "low-cost retinal camera" at IEEE EMBC 36th Annual International Conference, Chicago, Aug 2014. The four companies presenting are iDX and RetiVue from the US, PEEK from London and Epipole from Scotland.
- Devanjali Relan got the 2nd prize for her VAMPIRE poster at the NHS Scotland Research conference
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a. To include the following agreement if you publish results achieved, in part, with the help of VAMPIRE software:
b. Not to redistribute VAMPIRE software or data to third parties; instead, point them to our website.
All software is made available "as is". The VAMPIRE group cannot be held responsible for any consequences whatsoever of its download, installation and use.